GENUINE 2019 Quanta System Q+C Evolution
pigmented lesion treatment, scar removal, skin rejuvenation, tattoo removal, onychomycosis treatment
Amplifying medium
Nd:YAG, alexandrite, ruby
Pulse duration
Q-Plus Series – EVO Family is a laser platform available in 6 different configurations to better adapt to every user’s needs for the maximum versatility. In the same system it is possible to insert up to two different laser sources: pure Q-Switched or hybrid Q-Switched/Pulsed.
Q-Plus Series is the ideal solution to perform a great range of treatments among which the removal of benign pigmented lesions, tattoo removal, skin resurfacing, vascular lesions and hair removal treatments.
Q-Plus Series is the only hybrid laser device on the market based on a powerful Q-Switched technology that can also be configured with Pulsed lasers.
Q-switched Effect
The Q-Plus q-switched sources can generate a photoacoustic effect targeted at inks and pigmentations leaving the surrounding skin intact. These laser systems are able to fragment the target in small particles making them easily processed by the human body with the phagocytosis process.
The OptiBeam II handpieces can generate different flat-top spot shapes at various sizes.
Square flat-top handpieces are ideal for tattoo removal
Round holographic handpieces are designed to be adjusted to pigmented lesions’ shapes
Fractional handpiece is perfect for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation with very short recovery time.
Contact Skin Cooler or Air Skin Cryo
The contact Skin Cooler provides skin cooling during laser treatment, effectively reducing the pain and allowing the use of the proper fluencies especially for vascular lesions treatments to reduce potential side effects.
Q-Plus Series – EVO Family is a laser platform available in 6 different configurations to better adapt to every user’s needs for the maximum versatility. In the same system it is possible to insert up to two different laser sources: pure Q-Switched or hybrid Q-Switched/Pulsed.
GENUINE 2019 Quanta System
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