GENUINE 2015 Fractional Co2 Laser
Lasering Slim E30 Evolution Mixto SX
Innovative fractional skin resurfacing technology combined with a tighter focal point reduces heat build-up for less pain and quicker recovery time.
In meeting the needs of dermatologists seeking less-painful and quicker-healing laser procedures, LASERING USA of San Ramon, California, announces the immediate availability of its new MiXto SX CO2 laser for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. By employing an innovative “quadrant” fractional skin resurfacing technology and a more tightly focused beam, the MiXto SX laser delivers uniform tissue ablation to the deep dermis causing immediate contraction and tissue tightening.
A secondary effect is the production of new collagen over the next 6-12 weeks. The precise micro-spot matrix driven by a proprietary scanning algorithm keeps the longest possible interval between two adjacent spots, which minimizes heat accumulation around the treated area. This significantly reduces pain during the procedure.
The MiXto SX is the first medical laser to offer MicroSpot fractional skin resurfacing technology combined with a high-speed scanner to deliver .3mm spots in continuous wave mode. Other CO2 fractional skin resurfacing lasers deliver larger 1.3mm spots in super pulse mode with random distribution. This method requires some form of anesthesia or tissue cooling.
With the MiXto SX most procedures are done without anesthesia and within a time frame of 20 minutes for a complete facial.
With older CO2 laser fractional skin resurfacing systems, the beam moves across the skin, one spot after another, in linear fashioncausing excessive pain from thermal buildup and without time for tissue cooling. Complete facial anesthesia is required. GENUINE 2015 Fractional Co2 Laser
This aggressive procedure results in long recovery times. In contrast, the high-speed MiXto SX scanner driven by a patent pending algorithm divides the treatment area into four quadrants.
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